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Monday, July 13, 2009

Quotes Week -07


Be miserable. Or motivate yourself. Whatever has to be done, it's always
your choice.

Wayne Dyer


You and I are essentially infinite choice-makers. In every moment of our
existence, we are in that field of all possibilities where we have access to
an infinity of choices.

Deepak Chopra


You can have anything you want, if you want it badly enough. You can be
anything you want to be, do anything you set out to accomplish if you hold
to that desire with singleness of purpose.

Abraham Lincoln


If you deliberately plan on being less than you are capable of being, then I
warn you that you'll be unhappy for the rest of your life.

Abraham H. Maslow


Remember, happiness doesn't depend upon who you are or what you have, it
depends solely upon what you think.

Dale Carnegie
