Time passes so fast that we forget to notice the things going around us and within. We have forgotten the fact that every minute of our stay on the planet Earth should bring us happiness and joy of living. We do not notice the beauty of the nature, the songs that birds are singing, the color of the bright amazing blue sky. Finally we are broke and frustrated. We hate the world we live, because we have no time to appreciate it. We hate ourselves because we are so tired and ill from the work we dislike. We discover that the life has passed by but we have not fulfilled our dream because we had no time for ourselves. Our self-esteem is lower than ever because we do not know who we are and what do we want, as again we had no time for ourselves to think all those things through.
So now it's time for us to sit, relax, have a rest and improve the self-esteem. From that day decide to give yourself just one hour a day, or may be more, off from any work, kids, family, friends, TV, radio, and all the problems in the world. Choose a comfortable chair in a quiet room, close your eyes and relax.
Let me explain what a man needs that time for. First of all, you need that time to think about yourself to find out what do you want to do in life to make yourself happy. Scan the talents you have or would like to develop. Think of the work you would like to do (not the job you are currently occupied with, except for if you like it). You will finally find the answer.
Second, use this time to develop self-esteem by positive self talk. Watch your thoughts flow from your subconscious, notice what you do not like, what your subconscious is telling you, and try to reprogram it by positive affirmations. Don't forget to remind yourself every day how unique and perfect you are. Tell yourself that you CAN, CAN, CAN accomplish everything in your life, because you are worthwhile. By discovering yourself more and more, you will start loving your personality and won't let anyone let you down in the future.
Thirdly you need that time for your creativity. If your time is always full of work, the only thing you are obviously thinking is what you are doing in the particular time. And like any human you can think only one thought in a time. So there is no space left in your brain to create something new.
I think now it is the right time to let go of all the problems and stresses. Try researching yourself; make your brain think about how to improve your life and your self-confidence. Use this time to learn from your past experience, not to make same mistakes over and over again.
Build a plan to maintain your present situation, to go on the higher, more desired level. Try this method and you will see your self-esteem rising higher and higher every day.
Go for it - improve your self-esteem by just relaxing!