- What's the most beautiful girl's name you've heard?
- What's the best boy's name you've heard?
- How did your parents choose your name?
- Are you happy with your name?
- If not, why not?
- What are some of the most common names for boys and girls in your country?
- What are some really unusual names you've heard?
- Are there any names you absolutely hate?
- If so, what are they?
- Why do you hate them?
- Do you think names shape our personality? To what degree?
- Does your name have a meaning?
- If so, what does it mean?
- Do you have a middle name, What is it?
- If you have multiple middle names, what are they?
- In your culture, when you introduce yourself, does the last name come first or the first name?
- Other wordings: ... does the surname come first? / ... does your family name come first?
- Do you have a nickname, If so, what is it?
- What are some interesting nicknames that you have heard?
- How many letters are in your name?
- How many syllables are in your name?
- Does your first name have the same number of syllables as your last name?
- How many duplicate letters are in your name?
- What do you think of people who name their children after months, seasons or days of the week?
- What do you think of parents who make up unique names for their children?
- Some parents give their children names in alphabetical order. Do you think this is a good idea?
- What was the name of your first girlfriend or boyfriend?
- Have you ever dated two different people with the same first name?
- What are some titles you can think of? (e.g. Mr., Mrs., Professor, Duke etc.)
- Do you think it is okay to give pets human names?
- What is the most popular name for a dog in your country?
- Do you know the names of some famous race horses? If so, please name a few.
- Can you name some famous world leaders?
- Can you name some famous composers?
- Can you name some famous artists?
- Can you name some Western foods?
- Can you name some Eastern foods?
- Can you name some Middle-Eastern foods?
- Can you name some cars?
- What are some names of famous companies you know?
- What's the name of your favorite singer?
- What's the name of your favorite character from a story you've read?
- What's the name of your favorite writer?
- What's the name of your favorite novel?
- What's the name of your favorite restaurant?
- What's the name of your favorite television show?
- What's the name of your favorite movie?
- Do you know the meaning of your name? If yes, what does it mean?
- hat does your name mean?
- Have ever changed your name?
- Do you have names in two different languages? (ex. a Chinese name and an English name )? If not, would you like to?
- Do women change their name after marriage in your country or keep their maiden name?
Can you name some notorious people or criminals ? - Is it ever appropriate to "call someone names"? When?
- Can you name the seven continents?
- How many U.S. state names do you know?
- How many Canadian province names do you know?
- Do you believe some names or words have magical qualities?
- Do people in your country predict the future according to names?
- If you could change your name would you? What would it be? Why this name?
- Do you remember any kids whose names other kids in school made fun of? Why? What were their names?
- Are you named after anyone in your family?
- Do you ever feel pressure to live up to your name?
- Can your name mean anything funny in your language?
- Have you ever known a boy that has a "girl's name" or a boy that had a "girl's name"?
- Do you wish your name was less common, or more unusual?
Good Luck